This software allows you to program PICs (Programmable Interrupt Controller) and other ICs. The first time you run the program you have to configure the hardware. In the Hardware settings window you can choose one of the different programmers: JDM, Conquest, TAFE, TAIT Serial, Fun-Card, TAIT Parallel, ProPic 2, SCHAER, STK200, AN589, WILLEPRO, Flutty, DL2TM, El Cheapo, ER1400, and External. The interface can be I/O or Windows API (Application Program Interface). Depending on the programmer you can select the serial port from Com 1 to Com 4. The communication can be from one of the next invert options: data out, data in, clock, MCLR, VCC, and VPP. Also you can select the I/O delay from 1 to 40. In the main window you will see the Addresses and the program code in hexadecimal numbering system. You can switch the windows from Buffer 1 to Buffer 5. You can select directly the device in the combo box in the top of the window or in the settings menu. Depending on the device you will see the options settings on the screen. The icon buttons in the top of the main window are: Open: You can open a file IHX8, IHX16, Binary, Object, Motorola S, and Eeprom. With the option save file you can save the program in binary code or hexadecimal code. Also you can open hardware settings, options, read the device, send the program code to the device, erase the device, verify, open the smart card wizard, select assembler or hex view (the assembler view is only supported for 14/12 bit PIC).
Comments (1)
Juan de la Rosa Navarro